Santa's Pet Page 10
“You probably should get out,” Ben said, noticing the crowd of people starting to gather around. “I think they mean business.”
“If you’re not getting out, I’m going to make you,” the bully on her side threatened. “That is, unless you want to flash me those honkers you were showing off at the tree farm.”
“What did you just say?” Brittney’s jaw hit her knees. “Aren’t you wearing a body cam?”
“Oh shit.” The policeman jumped from the side of the truck. He turned and smacked into a cameraman from the local news. Behind him was the stern looking woman in a gray suit who’d reported them at the Tree Farm. Who was she and why was she siccing police and reporters on them?
Ben slowly stepped from the cab and spread his hands on the hood. If that reporter was recording, he might as well catch all of the police harassment. Let them frisk him or rough-handle him.
“Let me have your key,” the policeman on Ben’s side said in a genial manner, noticing the reporter. “I’ll get her started up for you in a jiffy.”
“Won’t work. Nothing happens, but the battery’s not dead,” Ben said.
The policeman lowered his head toward the passenger side and leaned over Brittney whose eyes popped wide with shock. He dug between her legs and hooked his hand under the glove compartment.
“Sir? What are you doing? Don’t touch me,” Brittney shrieked. She stumbled from the cab and fled around the cameraman to Ben’s side.
Automatically, he drew her in his arms and hugged her, rubbing her back. “It’s okay. They have nothing on us. My truck wouldn’t start.”
“Got it.” The policeman sat up and turned the key. The engine kicked and started. “Bet you didn’t know you had an ignition cut-off switch. She probably flipped it to keep you stuck with her all night.”
“I did not,” Brittney protested. “I was trying to get comfortable because I couldn’t sleep. Maybe my leg hit it by accident.”
“I’ll bet.” The officer said, turning to a small crowd that had gathered. “Okay, folks, show’s over. Nothing to see here.”
“What about the trespassing and loitering?” The iron-skirt marched forward and jutted herself against the policeman. “You caught them sleeping together in the truck all night.”
“The truck wouldn’t start.” The officer turned abruptly and waddled to his squad car.
The woman threw her hands up, whining, “This is the problem with society. Irresponsibility.”
She glared at both of them and stomped toward the hospital, her thick heels thudding on the concrete, as the police cruiser and the remaining crowd dispersed.
“You know that woman?” Brittney asked Ben.
“Not a clue who she is.” He pulled her close to him and whispered, “You sure you didn’t hit that switch on purpose?”
“I was trying to leave last night, wasn’t I?”
“You also wanted to kiss me.” He felt her stiffen and try to push away, but she stood no chance against his biceps. Besides, she really didn’t want to leave, not with the way she was blushing and biting that sweet lip of hers. “Face it, Brittney, you’re attracted to me.”
“I admit nothing. You oaf. I never wanted to feel your muscles. I was just testing you. I didn’t mean it at all.”
Her mumbling only made him want her more. Ever since she suggested she’d like to kiss him, he’d been fantasizing about it. Her jealousy over his sister Susanna meant she was attracted to him. And somehow, she’d ended up snuggled in his arms which felt damn good, even if the police had given him a rude awakening.
He pressed a thumb gently to that tantalizing lower lip. “Will you let me kiss you?”
“What about Susanna?”
“My sister, stepsister.”
“Oh.” Her breath of relief gave him the answer he needed.
He bent over her and drew her lower lip between his, kissing her as if he’d never kissed a woman before—full of awe and wonder at the symphony playing in his head and the soft, glowing warmth expanding in his heart.
Her tongue slid over and around his and as he angled his head, she moaned and grasped the nape of his neck, pulling him so close he could barely breathe.
He almost wanted to laugh, or cry, or jump up and pound his chest, because he’d sworn this would never happen. That he’d never love anyone more than he loved his mother and newborn sister. That no woman would touch him where it’d hurt.
But he kept kissing her, deepening his doom and lost in her tiny mews and sighs, their mouths mating in desperate passion, want, and need, and more.
Except he couldn’t utter that word. No. Not yet. Not until he was sure. Besides, he’d rather keep kissing her than talk. And so he did.
Chapter Fourteen
~ Brittney ~
My heart bounces as excited as a lop-eared bunny let out of a cage into a meadow of tall grass. Ben’s wicked mouth is doing all sorts of tricks on me, and I love it.
I can’t believe I’m all over him. My hands run up and down the muscles over his shoulders and back, and I’m pressed against his rock hard body.
His mouth is strong and there’s a bite to his kisses, as he hisses and sucks on my lips, melting me with his strength and power. Oh, and did I mention beard stubble turns me on? Waves of excitement cause me to tremble, to gasp, and to taste and hold as much of him as I can. But no, I don’t want to be a dork and let him think I’ve never kissed a guy before.
End it. End it first so he doesn’t think I’m some starved, deprived, desert-island thirsty nun. Just one more smack. Gosh, he’s so freaking sexy, and those muscles, and large hands. Why isn’t he moving them to my boob tubes?
I rub my chest against him and go higher on tip toes, as if that were possible. I’m a fairly tall lass at five-foot-ten, but I’m nothing compared to his six-foot-five. Eek, my neck’s getting a crick. I must back off to be cool.
Instead, I latch onto him with both hands and hop.
Instinctively, he lifts me with his hands on my behind, and my legs wrap around his waist. Much better. The angle is perfect and goodbye, neck crick.
I settle in with a deep roll of my tongue and wag my head for better access, while breathing through my nose to prolong contact.
“Mommy, mommy,” a child’s voice pipes. “Is that woman giving mouth-to-mouth re-suck-a-tay-tion?”
Ben’s mouth pops back so fast, my mouth makes a puckering sound and I feel as lost as a baby without her pacifier.
“Not you two again,” the police officer who helped Ben start his truck says. “This here garage is supposed to be family friendly. Care to surrender or shall I take you down to the precinct?”
“Why are you picking on us?” I glare at the officer. “Aren’t there any real criminals for you to arrest?”
“Not around here.” He puts his hands on his hips. “You two are it.”
“Tell me what’s indecent about a kiss?”
The policeman steps back and looks me up and down. “Your legs are wrapped around the gentleman’s waist.”
“Oh.” I slide down as Ben lowers me to the ground.
Several teenagers hang around giggling and staring at their camera phones. Great. Don’t tell me they’re posting to social media. I don’t look exactly flattering right now with messy hair, an oversized Shopahol T-shirt and zero makeup.
“We’ll add this to your lewd misconduct charges.” The officer grins. “Those kids are texting the evidence to the police station.”
“Officer,” Ben says. “Aren’t you being harsh on us? After all, if I were to be the Santa Claus at the Police Dog Toy Drive and this sweet, nice young lady were to be the helper elf, and my dog, Treat, that sweet old hound who likes you so much, is going to be the mascot, wouldn’t you want us to have clean records?”
The policeman screws his beefy face and rolls his eyes, scratching his head as if confronted by an algebra word problem.
“Where’s your partner?” I ask to tighten the thumbscrews. “We all know how much he likes to
manhandle me.”
“Oh, Bill?” the officer clarifies, as if the police station had more than two cops. “I put him on parking duty.”
“So, what’s the deal, officer?” Ben puts his arm around my shoulder. “Drop the charges and we’ll put on a Toy Drive you won’t forget, or deal with my lawyer, Delaine DeMarie, for wrongful arrest.”
“Duh-Duh-De-laine ‘the D-death Star’ De-de-Mar-rie???” the policeman stutters, his face turning an unhealthy shade of gray.
“The one and only.” Ben smirks. “She’s probably making a motion to release your partner’s body-cam footage.”
“Wait, you two made incriminating statements while being arrested.”
“Not really. We talked about helping each other cover up our wardrobe malfunctions.”
“Yes, and we had absolutely no intention of arousing or gratifying anyone sexually,” I repeat the criteria for criminal charges.
“Except you did offend that parent who complained yesterday,” the officer argues. His eyes dart around as if he’s looking for backup. Whoever that woman is, she must have something against Ben.
“No intention. Period,” I repeat.
“That’s right. None,” Ben agrees.
The policeman puffs out his chest and crosses his arms. “Oh yeah? Explain the tongue hockey. Sure looked hot and heavy from where I’m standing.”
The teenage boys hang out their tongues and pant.
“Shall I arrest these two for lewd conduct?” The police officer turns to the mostly adolescent crowd, most of them holding skateboards to play at the skate park conveniently located next to the emergency room.
“Or, shall I sign autographs?” Ben turns on the charm, grinning and flexing his muscles. “I’m Ben Powers, middle linebacker for the UC Sacramento Goldrushers.”
“You’re Ben Powers?”
“My sister loves you.”
“Cool, dude. Scratch my board.” A lanky youth turns his skateboard upside down and hands Ben a pocketknife.
“Looks like you’ve been outvoted.” I wag my finger at the hapless cop. “My lawyer, Owen Williams, will also have a few words with your commissioner.”
“O-oh-w-wen ‘Wildcat’ Wuh-williams?”
“Yep. A shark in a koala bear’s skin.”
The officer clears his throat and replaces his dark glasses. He hooks his thumbs through his belt loops and pulls his pants up, then glares at the idling truck. “I could write you up for greenhouse gas emissions if you don’t shut down that truck.”
“Sure, shutting it down right now.” I reach into the cab and turn off the truck.
Ben’s cell phone is buzzing and vibrating. It’s a text message from the hospital.
Mr. Powers. Come quick. Your grandfather’s had a setback. ICU nurse.
“Ben!” I pick up the phone and wave it. “The ICU texted us. Grandpa had a setback.”
Ben grabs my hand and we part the crowd, then sprint for the hospital.
Please, please, please, dear God, put Santa Grandpa back in one piece again. It’s almost Christmas.
~ Ben ~
“Grandpa.” Ben spoke softly and approached his grandfather’s bedside. The old man looked so unlike his usual hearty self. He had tubes coming out of his nose, mouth, and arms, and his eyes were closed.
Brittney stood at his side, but didn’t speak. He’d told the nurse she was his granddaughter.
“He was doing okay before his blood pressure dropped,” the nurse said as she adjusted his pillow. “They gave him some medicine to stabilize the pressure.”
The old man struggled to open his eyes. His skin was oily, stretched across his forehead, and tape covered his face to hold the tubes in place. His beard had been completely shaved off so that the tape could stick. Poor Grandpa.
“Shhh …” Ben sat at the bedside and patted his grandfather’s shoulder. “It’s me, Ben. You’re going to be okay.”
His grandfather couldn’t reply since he had a light blue ventilator tube threaded through his mouth. His eyes were bleary and his cheeks were pale, but he raised his hand and Ben clasped it, surprised at how cold he was.
“Five minutes,” the nurse said as she stepped to the door. “He’s on a lot of medication and the doctors need to check his cardiac function and run tests.”
Brittney moved closer and caught his grandfather’s eye. Instead of an indulgent twinkle, his grandfather narrowed his eyes and grunted. His body tensed, and he tried to sit up.
Raising his hand, he pointed at her sharply. The machines around him beeped louder and faster, and alarms buzzed all around them.
“Grandpa, calm down,” Ben said. “Brittney’s with me.”
Instead of relaxing, Grandpa jerked his head back and forth and squeezed his lips around the ventilator tube. His stony eyes glared at Brittney, hard as volcanic glass, and he all but sneered.
“It’s a misunderstanding. Brittney and I are good friends now,” Ben explained. “She’s sorry for what she did. It wasn’t her idea.”
Not at all pleased, Grandpa thrashed in the bed and grabbed the ventilator tube.
“No, you can’t do that.” Ben wrestled his grandfather’s hand from the tube. “Stay calm. Please. You’re very ill.”
Grandpa whipped his head toward Brittney and stared at her, as if willing her to leave.
“I’m sorry. I truly am.” She backed away as the doctors and nurses rushed into the room.
“You both have to leave,” the nurse said to Ben. “I’ll text you if there’s any change.”
His head whirling and his heart pounding, Ben hustled with Brittney out of the room.
“I’m so sorry. I think he hates me,” Brittney said, her eyes pooling with tears.
“He’s just come out of surgery. He’s probably confused.” Ben put his hand on the small of her back and guided her down the corridor. “There’s nothing we can do here.”
“I hope he’ll be okay.” She turned into his arms and hugged him. “I can’t bear it if all this happened because of me and my lawyer’s threats.”
“It’s not your fault. Look what my lawyer’s doing to you.” Ben clutched her by the shoulders to get her to understand they were in this together. “My grandfather holds grudges and has trouble forgiving. He hasn’t spoken to my father for years.”
“I thought he liked me. I was always his little Angel Face. I thought of him as my third grandpa.” She wiped her eyes with her fingers.
“He’s protective of his own.”
“But he thought of me as his own.” She broke down in sobs. “Me and Lacy were his little pets. I was the good one and she was the bad one.”
Ben held her tightly. “He’ll get over it. He hates betrayal and he thinks you betrayed him when your lawyer attacked me. It’s the same with my dad. When he remarried so quickly, it was as if he stabbed Grandpa in the back. He always made no secret that he loved my mother better than his own children. It got so awkward that sometimes, my mother purposely stayed away when Dad brought us to visit our grandparents.”
“After all these years, he still can’t forgive your father?”
“Yes, them old goats can be pretty stubborn.” Ben kissed the top of her head.
“I can’t bear it if he hates me.”
Ben’s throat dried and his breath caught. He didn’t want it to be true, but his Grandpa could hold a grudge longer than a windbag reading an obituary.
Stroking her hair, he mumbled, “I’ll never hate you. I promise.”
Chapter Fifteen
~ Brittney ~
When I started my online scrapbooking company to share pet pictures, I never dreamed it would turn into a viral success in the shopping referral business.
I only meant to have a place to collect and share pictures of Lyndora, my black and brown calico lop-eared bunny, who I had to give away once I found out I was severely allergic to her. With all the online sharing sites, I had no idea mine would become the one Shopahol would use to spread their holy grail of friends following
and influencing shopping habits, along with deals and referral points.
Now, I have a reputation to protect if I want to have a successful stock offering next year. I didn’t need those kids texting pictures of me with my legs wrapped around Ben and my tongue down his throat.
After getting kicked out of Grandpa Powers’ room, I called Lacy using Ben’s phone and she came right away, driving my Toyota since I took her Mustang to work last night.
I’m glad she’s driving, because I can barely stay awake, even with all of the anxiety churning in my bloodstream. She’s a good sister, and she truly doesn’t mind driving me or that I took her Mustang. She’s always urging me to borrow it, to let the top down, to stop being the boring nerd I am.
I stare out the window as the Golden Gate Bridge comes into view. I never get tired of the sweeping beauty of the bridge. Two giant towers hold up the entire span—the longest in the world at the time it was built. It is an engineering marvel, light enough to hang from its own cables, while enduring the strong winds buffeting the strait as well as holding up during the frequent San Francisco earthquakes.
“You’ve been awfully quiet,” Lacy says as we merge onto the span. The tires thump at regular intervals over each expansion joint like the uneven galloping of my heart. Because it’s Sunday, there’s hardly any traffic, so we’re making good time.
“Just tired. Too much going on. I feel like a zombie.”
“I’m sorry about what Grandpa Powers did.” Lacy reaches across and pats my arm. “He’s probably under a lot of medication. Woozy and doesn’t know what’s going on.”
“He seemed pretty sharp to me. He was definitely staring at me like I’m his worst enemy, even though Ben explained we’re both calling off our lawyers.”
“Really? Has he done it yet? You might not have seen the news this morning.”
“We haven’t had time to contact our lawyers yet.” I stifle a yawn. “He said he was angry and didn’t object when his lawyer decided to throw me under the bus. He didn’t realize how horrid everyone would react on social media.”