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Bad Boys for Hire: Ryker (Bad Boys for Hire #1) Page 4

  Sure, she barely knew Ryker, but he was a former Marine. He hadn’t tried to rob her when she’d opened the cash register and paid him his forty bucks, and she could afford a little fun, especially since her thirtieth birthday was around the corner.

  Was she being impulsive?

  Probably, but she could stop the game at any time.

  Ryker held the bike upright as she dismounted, then removed his helmet and sunglasses.

  “Bet you didn’t expect a ride like that.” He grinned as he took off her sunglasses. “You look like you’re in shock.”

  “It’s been years since I’ve ridden. You’re a good rider.”

  He ran a knuckle down the side of her face, looking like he wanted to kiss her. “I liked having you warm my back.”

  She loved holding onto his broad back more than she should, but she wasn’t going to let the moment go. The sun was setting over the deep blue body of still water, and they were surrounded by the greens and golds of the rolling hillside. The air was cooling, and despite the freeway not far off, the immediate vicinity was quiet and private.

  Why had he brought her to such a romantic place? Was he feeling the same insane attraction she’d experienced the moment she saw him standing on the median strip panhandling?

  One side of Ryker’s face curved into a half-hearted smile. “You’re sobering up, aren’t you?”

  “Excuse me?” She hugged her jacket around her. “I haven’t had anything to drink.”

  “Ah, but the ride. It affected you, made your blood hot, didn’t it? And now, you’re wondering what the heck you’re doing here with the likes of me. Will he kiss me or slice me into pieces and dump my body into the water?”

  Terri took a step back and studied the man. He wasn’t handsome in the conventional manner. His brows were too low and overhung his eyes, giving him a mean, growly look, like he was at any moment about to sprout hair and turn into a wolf. What did she want with him?

  “You wouldn’t hurt me. Ever.”

  Where had that come from? Yet, deep inside, she had a conviction that this man, who’d no doubt killed many enemy fighters, would never harm an innocent civilian.

  “Not on purpose, I wouldn’t. But I’m not exactly a boy scout, and I take it you don’t make it a habit of riding off with strangers.” His light, amber colored eyes burned through her as if able to read her mind. “You’re taking a chance on me. Why?”

  Because I can’t think a lucid thought around you, all leather, and muscle, and male.

  But he’d asked a valid question. What did she want out of this? And why had she allowed him to kiss her the rough and tumble way he had back at the flower shop so that he had her now wishing for a repeat performance at the edge of the reservoir?

  Whatever it was, he was not a lark and a fun time—a man to be toyed with. Ryker Slade, former Marine, possessed a presence as of one carrying a heavy burden—an air of serious responsibility and a sense of duty. This was no mere bum on the street, but a man returned from war. She’d noticed the slight limp he walked with and the guarded expression in his eyes.

  “Who are you, Ryker Slade?” Terri tightened her voice. “You say you need a job and spend your time begging for spare change, but you have this bike worth, I’d say, in the range of ten grand. Am I right?”

  “More than twice that.” He nodded grimly. “It’s my only possession. A buddy of mine kept it safe for me while I was away.”

  “Don’t you have benefits from the military? Disability pay? Or money saved up from your deployments?”

  “Rents are sky high here in the Bay Area.”

  “True, but are you seriously down to panhandling? Or do you do it as a hobby? An easier way to make money? You worked half a day with me and got forty dollars. You could easily make that in what, an hour of panhandling?”

  “Depends on the location, yes. Today, not so lucky until you handed me a twenty. I truly want to work, ma’am, and I’ve been to many job fairs.”

  He looked so earnest, she didn’t want to scold him for calling her “ma’am”.

  “I don’t have anything fulltime for you. My assistant was out today for a maternity checkup, so it was a one time deal.”

  “I fully understand.” The hangdog look made his face droop as he turned away from her.

  “I can ask around for you.” She tugged the sleeve of his distressed leather jacket. “My friends own small businesses.”

  Not that she would refer him to Leanna. That hot Latina would have him baking a bun in her oven in no time. Maybe she should think of more things for Ryker to do at her shop.

  “Thanks, I’d love that.”

  She’d bet he would, especially since all her friends, except for Jolie, were single and unattached.

  “You’ve been great to work for,” Ryker continued. “Shall I drop you off at the shop?”

  Terri hated how crestfallen he appeared. No man liked to be at the mercy of fate, tossed around in uncertainty. It must be triply hard for a veteran to return to the San Francisco Bay Area where even well paid people had trouble finding affordable housing.

  “Where are you living?” Concern spread over her for the man who’d given a part of his life to war, only to return home to dimmer opportunities.

  “Here and there.” He took her hand. “Come on, I’ll take you back to the shop.”

  “You haven’t answered my question.” Terri resisted the cozy feeling of her hand tucked inside of his. “Are you homeless?”

  “I have family in La Honda.”

  “But you’re not staying with them, are you? What about the friend who kept your bike?”

  “I’m fine. Really.” He gave her hand another squeeze and pulled her into his arms. “As much as I’d love to be with you, I can’t let this go further. I’m not the man for you.”

  Whoa. There were too many currents in there to analyze at the same time. Be with her? Let this go further? What was he thinking? And why so serious?

  She reached up and cupped his strong, harsh jaw. “I have a pan of lasagna I need help finishing.”

  He shook his head firmly. “You’ve helped me enough.”

  “But I haven’t helped myself to what I want.” Terri wound her hands around his neck and pressed her lips over his.

  Maybe she was taking advantage of his down-and-out situation. Surely, he wouldn’t turn down a hot meal and a possible warm bed. But then, beggars couldn’t be choosy, because a hot man like Ryker would usually not be seen with someone who was definitely on the plus side of the size chart.

  Unless she was his boss, and failing that, she fed him whatever his appetite desired.

  Judging by the way he was hungrily devouring her mouth, Terri felt a swell of hope, that maybe, just maybe he could be the one who’d settle for her.

  Chapter Ten

  Ryker had done his part by Terri. He’d warned her that he wasn’t a boy scout. Even though he wasn’t a freeloader, he wasn’t above passing up leftover lasagna, a warm, friendly female, and a roof over his head—not to mention a real bed.

  It was really too easy, like taking candy from a baby. She was so ready and willing to let him, a perfect stranger, into her home. He’d already noted the lack of double locks and how easy it was to break into her sliding windows. But then again, she lived in a relatively well-off hillside community and he wouldn’t even hazard a guess at the prices of the mansions surrounding her townhouse.

  After sharing a hearty meal and chocolate raspberry brownies for dessert, he’d made motions to leave, saying he had to go home so he could get up early and hit the streets to hunt for a job.

  Of course, she’d demanded to know where home was, and he’d let it slip that it was an abandoned barn. She’d offered him the couch, which he had vehemently refused, saying he couldn’t impose on her—that he was a stranger.

  The next thing he knew, they were locked in a passionate embrace and tumbling onto her king-size bed full of pillows and fluffy blankets. Everything smelled clean and feminine, and Ryk
er was glad he’d taken a shower at Axe’s place.

  “I can’t get over how kindhearted you are,” he murmured as he feathered kisses down the column of her neck.

  “Kindness has nothing to do with this.” Terri’s breath hitched while he rolled her breasts with his palms. “You’re military. I respect what you did for our country. How you sacrificed your life to keep us safe.”

  He leaned back to look in her eyes, unable to help grinning. “Is this what it’s all about? Aid to veterans? Up close and personal?”

  “Maybe.” She licked her full lower lip. “Look, we both know the score. I need a bed warmer, and you need a bed.”

  “So, we just give in to our needs and let whatever happens happen? How do you know I’m not a serial killer?” If Terri were his sister, or a woman he cared about, he sure as hell wouldn’t want her to be so trusting. “What happened to accusing me of sponging off good and honest taxpayers?”

  “That was before I saw you limp.” She slid her finger across the seam of his mouth.

  “Now, don’t go feeling sorry for me. I still have a twenty thousand dollar Harley.”

  “Yeah, but somehow, I don’t think you’ve told me the entire story of why you’re supposedly homeless and jobless.”

  “And that doesn’t bother you?” He kissed the tip of her finger and looped his tongue around it, sucking gently.

  “You could have taken my twenty and ran.” Her eyes dilated into a deep blue like the still waters of the reservoir.

  “How do you know I didn’t come back for more?”

  “More of this?” She leaned forward and captured his lips.

  His breath hissed in his throat as he grazed her tongue with the edge of his teeth. Kissing Terri was like nothing he’d experienced. Sure, he’d had women before, and he’d long ago had one he’d thought would eventually become his.

  But that was before, in another life, when he’d lived for the brotherhood of the motorcycle club—back before he’d lost his innocence on what “the life” was really all about.

  Ryker pushed the thoughts of that life from him and dived into enjoying the sweet piece of flesh in his arms. Her skin was smooth and soft, and he loved the way she felt, inviting and comforting. He could totally get lost in her, and it wasn’t just how gorgeous she was or how well she responded to him.

  It was her toughness. She might look like a pushover, but deep inside, Terri had guts of iron, and Ryker was sure he was in her bed only because she deemed him to be worthy.

  Enough philosophizing. He had a ready and willing woman to please, and like any good soldier, he would pull his weight.

  He deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue into her mouth while caressing the side of her head, heartened by the tiny moans of pleasure she made.

  And want him, she did. Her breathing quickened and she jiggled excitedly beside him. Her fingers furrowed through his thick mane of hair, and she tugged hard at him.

  She arched into his hard erection and moved herself so he was directly on top of her, silently urging him between her legs.

  He thrust hard, his pants against the fabric of hers, and a spear of heat and pleasure shot between them, almost stopping his heart.

  A flush overcame her face, and the depth of her emotions blossomed like wildflowers as her eyes widened.

  Had she felt it too? The connection, the pull, the eerie feeling that he knew her, had met her before, like a rerun of a movie or the glimmer of another life.

  Then, the dam broke. He yanked his shirt off, while she pulled her sweater over her head, exposing her large, melon-sized breasts.

  Not bothering to unclasp her bra, he pushed it up and dived in, his mouth hungry to suckle her long, pink nipples. He laved and he drew on one then the other, elongating them into hard points while relishing the soft flesh of her breasts.

  She wiggled beneath him, getting rid of her bra, and then went for his groin. Her clever fingers made short work of his belt and zipper, and when she touched him, he almost came apart.

  He willed himself to slow his response, but he hadn’t touched a woman for too long, and the way she was easing his pants down and stroking him, it wouldn’t be long before he embarrassed himself.

  “Wait,” he rasped. “Let me take care of you first.”

  “I can’t wait any longer,” she panted. “Maybe next time.”

  “Then I won’t be gentle.” He fingered a wrapped condom from the pants he’d already kicked off. Using his teeth, he ripped the wrapper, but she grabbed the rubber and rolled it over his proud erection.

  She smirked and licked her lips. “Looks like you’re packing the eight I need.”

  “You’re damn right I am. And it’s all for you.” He couldn’t help grinning as he lowered her panties and tickled her clit. It was wet, soaked with her juices, slippery and plump. He didn’t need to go further to know she was more than ready for him.

  Her hands grabbed his hips and positioned him between her legs. Her belly cushioned him, and he loved the tightness between her fleshy thighs.

  He thrust once, sliding into her tight, slippery channel and held still to savor the moment. She had him so aroused, so wild and desperate to pound and probe her, to take everything she offered, and to put himself out for her, to drown in her heat, but not yet.

  “Is this what you want?” he always asked out of habit. But more than that, he wanted to ask if he was what she wanted.

  She blinked and nodded, then squeezed him from the inside. “You. I want you, and I don’t even know why.”

  “Then I’ll show you.”

  He moved almost out, and propped her knees up with his arms, and then thrust hard, moving her up the bed with a long moan.

  “Yes, oh, yes,” she keened, her fingers digging tight and urging him on.

  And he was off to the races, pounding her hard, bouncing off her belly and rocking her entire bed, wild and savage, not holding anything back.

  He needed the release—needed her response—needed to push the darkness back, to taste a glimpse of what he could have had.

  “Ryker, oh, Ryker. Don’t stop. Don’t. Stop.”

  The guttural quality of her voice, full of raw lust and need, drove him wild. He dropped down and grabbed her hair with one hand and sank his teeth into her shoulder while his cock punished her, banging her with savage fury.

  She howled and screamed when he pinched her nipple hard, twisting and turning it, and then she was climaxing, her insides clenching against his hot rod, milking him ruthlessly.

  His breathing escalated into a loud groan, and his orgasm skyrocketed with the last of his punishing slams against her thighs.

  The rush went over his head and showered heat and comfort all over him, from the tips of his tingling fingers to the soles of his feet.

  As he came down from the high, Terri wrapped her arms around him, pulling him down on her cushioned body, her soft belly and her rounded curves.

  He relaxed and rested on her, his breathing slowly returning to normal, but his heart twisted and turned with a feeling he’d never had before.

  He wanted to weep and to pump his fist. Cry and cheer aloud. Bang his head and jump with joy.

  What was going on? How could he feel this way with her, a complete stranger?

  Because as strange and unknown as she was to him, she gave him something he’d searched for ever since his world blew apart.

  The feeling of—coming home.

  Except it was too soon, and his job wasn’t done. He couldn’t drag an innocent woman into the kind of life he had—not until all the scores were settled and it was safe to be a Slade again.

  Chapter Eleven

  Terri held Ryker and caressed him as he breathed deeply. He hadn’t raised his head to face her after the explosive sex they’d shared. What was going on in his mind?

  He’d been rougher than she’d expected, hard and furious, as if all the anger in the universe had to be dispelled by his cock plunging into her flesh.

  The pain had shocke
d her, even frightened her, but her body had exploded like dynamite, and she’d let herself go in a way she’d always dreamed of. The sheer pleasure and passion had overwhelmed her usual caution, and she was as surprised as she was grateful at the way he’d stimulated every nerve in her body and slammed her with the mother of all orgasms.

  Usually, she had to concentrate hard while worrying about the man in her bed, whether he could keep up with her or that he’d be done too soon. Most of the time, she had to push herself, clench her muscles and force herself to finish or be left high and dry.

  But with this wild man? Wow!

  She’d lost all sense of herself, submerged to the sensations drowning her, arcing and piercing her entire body full of ecstasy, and leaving her with a dull sense of completion, a drugged state of pure bliss.

  Her eyes drooped as her breathing slowed, but she kept stroking him. She ran her fingers lightly through his thick hair, then traced around his ear. A sheen of sweat dampened his skin, and the heat and scent of musk, of sex, of love made her room balmy like a tropical lanai at sunset.

  “Are you okay?” she finally asked.

  He groaned and moved off her, lifting his eyes to meet her gaze. “Did I hurt you? I kind of let myself go.”

  “No, not at all.”

  He touched the bite on her shoulder and his eyebrows furrowed. “I did hurt you. I’m sure I left bruises between your thighs. You sure you’re okay?”

  “Hey, I’m a big girl. Plenty of padding.” She patted her belly.

  “You’re beautiful.” He smoothed a strand of damp hair from her face. “Every bit of you.”

  “Now, you’re being nice.” She made a funny face. “You don’t have to lie, especially after you got your rocks off.”

  “You’re right.” His eyes narrowed. “I don’t have to lie, and I’m not lying. You think I’d have taken you to bed if I wasn’t attracted to you? That I didn’t desire your body? That I don’t appreciate you? Just because I’m homeless doesn’t mean I have no standards.”