The Remingtons_Leap, Laugh, Love Read online

Page 9

  “Oh, Finn. It must have been horrible.”

  He moved his torso up and to the side to show her the rose wrapped by a serpent and barbed wire. “I got this for my mom. She was the rose, good and pure and lovely. The serpent is the evil that killed her, and the barbed wire is what’s left wrapped around my heart. It’s like the coils and coils of razor wire surrounding our camps. Keeps insurgents out.”

  Insurgents out of his heart. She got it. He was protecting himself. A boy who lost his mother young could be hurt easily by a careless woman.

  Kerry traced the petals of the rose over his muscles and ribs. It must have been painful and yet so poignant—a man who never got over his mother and the love his father had for her. Reverently, she lowered her lips to his hipbone and kissed the stem of the rose where it began, then licked her way over the serpent coiled around the rose.

  She caressed the barbed wire and dragged her lips over every rib leading to his heart. His hand wrapped around her head, and he held her still for a moment of silence and understanding, before she crawled up onto his lap and joined her mouth to his. She tasted his yearning and feasted on his need as heat spread between her legs. Her sensitive nipples skated across his chest, and she was floating over him like a ministering spirit, pouring her entire soul into the hole in his heart.

  Finn deserved better—happiness, security, and love. She stroked his shoulders and trailed her hands down and up his powerful torso, moving her lower body against his painfully obvious erection.

  Moaning into his mouth, she explored his body, moving her hands over every ridge of muscle until she met the flat head of his cock. It leaped toward her, and she grasped it lovingly. He groaned into her mouth, and his hands went wild, one grabbing her ass and the other cupping her breast, making her tremble and shiver with desperate need.

  Panting, she gyrated her lower belly against his arousal and raised her heated center over the tip. She almost lowered herself to wrap her slick flesh around him and take him in. Almost.

  Opening her eyes, she backed up and met him face to face. He held her head still. His eyes were beautiful pools of espresso, and he nodded so slightly that if she’d blinked, she might have missed it. It was his way of telling her his heart was fully in.

  “Love me, Finn.” She relaxed and slid down his pole, as the most exquisite sensation she ever felt spread through her body.

  He held firmly as his cock stretched her, filling her with pressure and belonging, so full that she’d never know loneliness again, as long as he was inside of her.

  She clenched him tightly, pulsing and clutching around him, unable to hold still. She needed this ride, needed him, needed to heal him, and give him back everything he’d lost. She’d give so much of herself that she’d tear the barbed wire from his heart and show him that love was good and sweet, that it didn’t have to hurt.

  “No worries, I’m on the pill,” she assured him, pressing her palms over his heated chest. “Ready to surf?”

  “Definitely.” His face opened and he whispered, “Show me how a surfer girl loves.”

  A tornado rumbled deep inside her core, and she squeezed him hard, slamming herself against him as she moved up and down his throbbing cock. Her insides streaked with exquisite fire, building and building as every inch of him stimulated her with so much pleasure it was bordering on unbearable.

  The way he moved, grinding and rotating while she rode hard, had her spiraling and quaking out of control. She’d never been so wild, so crazy, howling with indescribable sounds of pleasure, while the bathwater crested over their bodies like the surf over tropical reefs.

  His bulging fin stroked relentlessly over the knot of sensitive nerves deep inside, ferocious with no mercy, assaulting her with spikes of pleasure, each higher and more explosive than the last.

  “Finn, Finn, Finn.” His name rode on her lips. An underwater firestorm flashed, and her core pulsed with a gathering orgasm so fierce she wasn’t sure she could survive it.

  She fought the intensity, pushing and digging her nails into his flesh, but Finn pounded her like a brutal tidal wave and smashed her through a head-pounding riptide of an orgasm that smacked her up the lip of a giant wave. Crashing with endless passion, she was dragged like a rag doll out to sea and wiped out over his harsh release, her name on his lips, and his cock drilling deep.

  They held each other, catching their ragged breaths, hugging and filling each other with kisses and caresses. He drew her close, his mouth over the shell of her ear. “This is me, Finn, loving you, Kerry.”

  She wanted to melt at his words and believe it through and through, but she had to be tough. He needed to believe in love to make up for the loss of his mother. But the barbed wire was still around his heart, and he was going back to war in a week.

  He’d forget her like he forgot the others.

  Instead of speaking, she stroked his beautiful body, calming him to sleep, kissing him and snuggling in his chest. She’d given him what he needed, but she couldn’t give him more.

  Tears gathered in her eyes as she watched his lips turn up with a smile. She lay down in the cooling water, placed her ear over his beating heart, and made him a silent promise.

  I wish I could love you forever, but since it’ll be over in a week, I’ll just love you enough for now.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Finn warmed up the body lotion between his palms and spread it slowly and lovingly over every inch of Kerry’s body. Exposure to seawater and the chafing of the wetsuit had left areas needing to be soothed.

  She stretched over the satin sheets, completely naked, her long, lithe body at ease with his touch. She was truly a natural beauty without a trace of makeup. Her eyes alone were striking with a range from steely and stormy to clear blue as a jeweled sea. The high bridge of her nose gave her strength while her lips were lush and kissable with a pouty lower lip that drove him crazy.

  He could cherish her for the rest of his life and give her all the loving care he longed to lavish on a woman. Behind the tough Ranger exterior, Finn dreamed of a home full of love and all the wonderful things that came with it. Christmas decorations in the winter and cookies in the oven, but most of all, a woman he could call his own, and if he were lucky, a pack of roly-poly children climbing all over him and calling him “Dada.”

  Kerry practically purred as her eyelids lowered. “That feels good. You’re spoiling me.”

  “Why not? You deserve someone better than me.” He kissed her gently and reluctantly tucked the sheet over her. “You must be exhausted.”

  “You’re more than enough for me. I lost count.” She rolled onto her back and stretched. “You, Army man, need to rest if you’re surfing tomorrow.”

  “No more surfing until the shark’s gone.” Finn put the lotion on the nightstand and lay down next to her. “We’ll do something landlubber together.”

  “You mean the bed as opposed to the bathtub?” She flashed him a flirty smile.

  “Is that all you think about?” He tapped her nose.

  “Surf or turf, I’ll take it any way you want, one if by land, two if by sea.” She held up her arms, and he wrapped himself around her.

  “It’s a surprise, so sleep tight.” Picking up the remote, he turned on the ceiling fan and cut the lights. “And don’t let the sharks bite.”

  “Shark bite my foot.”

  “Hey, you want to watch the video?”

  “And not sleep?” A shudder traversed her shoulders.

  “Then believe me. That wasn’t an inflatable shark.”

  “Not like this one?” She slid her hand over his cock.

  He groaned from the pleasure and slight soreness. It was already inflated and with her habit of sleeping naked, he couldn’t be sure it would ever go down.

  “You’re insatiable, surfer girl.” He nuzzled her between the breasts and propped himself over her.

  “Bite me.”

  # # #

  Kerry woke the next morning wrapped in everything Finn. His l
arge hand splayed over her hip, and she was plastered over his chest, her head resting on his shoulder and her leg over his thigh.

  His deep breathing rumbled comfortingly like the ebb and flow of the never-ending surf. If only she didn’t have to pee, she could stay in the confines of his arms forever.

  Gingerly moving his arm so he wouldn’t wake, Kerry slid to the edge of the sleigh bed and leaned against the curved wood at the foot. She couldn’t help admiring the beauty of a sleeping Finn—the way his chest rose with each firm breath caused the snake and rose over his ribs to come alive.

  It also tugged at the barbed wire. She reached out to touch him, but withdrew her hand. Let him sleep. She was tempted to take a picture of him to remember him this way, thoroughly mussed up and loved, but that would be disrespectful. Etching his image in her mind would have to do.

  Kerry visited the bathroom and wandered into the kitchen. She put on a pot of coffee and opened the kitchen window. A warm breeze wafted in with the scent and siren of the ocean. She hugged her skin, rubbing the goosebumps out as the glow of a night with Finn lingered in every nerve ending of her body.

  The man acted like he cherished her, touching her in so many ways. Every time she’d kicked the sheets off, he’d woke just enough to spread them over her. Then he’d cuddle against her, his body’s warmth causing her to throw the sheets again.

  She had to remember him the way he was this morning. Finding her cell, she unlocked it and padded back to the bedroom. She couldn’t help snapping a few pictures, including close ups and a movie of his tattoo rising and falling with every breath he took. She stared at the skull on his other shoulder. It was probably for Lonnie when he died three years ago.

  Would Finn ever find peace or was he destined to search the world forever for the perfect resting place?

  Finn stirred, sucking in a deep breath before stretching and opening his gorgeous eyes. They sparkled at her like whiskey through a sunlit glass.

  “Wow.” A broad smile brightened his face. “What could be better? You, the smell of coffee and the ocean, and you. Get over here.”

  Kerry dropped the phone behind her and sprawled onto the bed. “Good morning, handsome. I hope you don’t mind me taking a few pictures to remember this morning by.”

  “Let’s take some selfies. I want you in them, too.” He kissed her lightly on the lips. “But more than pictures, I want you waking up next to me forever.”

  “How can that be, Finn, when you’re going back to war?” The words blurted before she could take them back. “I guess you meant metaphorically.”

  “I have to go back. I thought you knew that.” Worry lines creased his forehead. “It’s my career. It’s all I know how to do.”

  “Whoa, whoa.” She backed off. “I’m not trying to tell you what to do or not.”

  Great. Just great. The first morning they were back together, and she’d ruined the mood. Yesterday was Day Five of their vacation and today was Six. She’d wasted Day Three and Four with her soul searching.

  “How much longer are you staying here?” The words crept from her lips.

  “I’m due to go back to New York City on Monday to help out my buddy with the details of the game they’re developing, but maybe I can extend this. How about you?”

  “The director of a charity who runs surfing tours emailed me. I’m supposed to go to Baja by Wednesday.”

  “Today’s Friday, so we only have five more days.”

  “Three, if you’re leaving Monday.”

  A shadow crossed Finn’s face, lowering his brows. “I don’t want to leave. Let me call Dex, or you can come with me.”

  “No. Don’t change your plans.” She pressed her hand on his cheek and stroked the growing whiskers. “Let’s just spend the rest of the time together and not worry about leaving. I don’t want to ruin the mood by talking about business and logistics.”

  “Mmm …” He kissed her wrist and moved in on her lips. “I love waking up with you. How about another one by land?”

  “And two by sea.” She splashed down onto the bed and pulled him on top of her.

  Some time later, Kerry shook Finn awake. “I think someone’s knocking on the door.”

  He yawned and stretched. “Ugh, I haven’t showered or dressed. Were you expecting anyone?”

  “It might be Siena. I thought she was coming tomorrow, but she must have forgotten her key.” Kerry pulled one of Finn’s T-shirts over her naked body. It was large enough to cover her ass.

  “I better get dressed then. Wouldn’t want your girlfriend to see me like this.”

  “I’m sure she’s seen a naked man before.” Kerry swished her behind at him. “I’ll get it to spare you the embarrassment.”

  Finn shook his head and pulled on a pair of sweat shorts. Kerry was so at ease with her body, he wouldn’t be surprised if she frequented nude beaches. What a sight it would be to see her surf naked.

  He swallowed his drool and padded to the living room behind her. The knocking sounded urgent, followed by the doorbell buzzing.

  “Sheesh, girl, it’s too early,” Kerry said as she opened the door.

  Finn peeked over her shoulder and startled at the horde of reporters and cameramen clicking and flashing pictures. He put a protective hand over Kerry’s shoulder and moved to close the door, but the fastest reporter had already slipped a mic in front of Kerry’s mouth.

  “What did you think of the shark last night? Did you get a close look?”

  Another reporter said, “Did you know it’s illegal to surf north of the lighthouse?”

  “Back off.” Finn pushed the arms holding the mic away from Kerry.

  “You back off. You endangered Kerry’s life last night.” A man dressed in a loud Hawaiian shirt and board shorts peeled off his sunglasses.

  “Jared, what are you doing here?” Kerry backed into Finn’s arms.

  “Oh, I see. Jughead here didn’t give you my message.” Jared glared at Finn and took a step through the doorway. “You and me have unfinished business.”

  “What’s the meaning of all these reporters?” Finn blocked Jared from entering. “If you want to speak to us, tell them to leave.”

  “Why? I ought to report you to your commander. You violated the no surfing law. We have it on video. Add to that, you harassed an endangered marine animal.”

  “I what?” Finn clenched his muscles. “You mean I protected Kerry from the shark.”

  “The shark was doing no harm. You charged it like the dumb grunt you are.”

  Because of Jared’s partial entry and Kerry backing up, a small, wiry reporter was able to sneak under their armpits and slip into the cottage. He held his mic to Kerry’s lips. “Are you going back on the tour? Mr. Dunbar says you’re in breach if you quit.”

  “I, uh, we agreed I could take a break,” Kerry said. “I was bitten by a shark.”

  “Yes, but your wounds are healed and you’ve obviously been surfing,” Jared interjected.

  “Doesn’t matter.” Kerry jutted her jaw and surged forward, getting into Jared’s face. “I’ve decided to surf for charity. I’m surfing Baja in a week.”

  “No, you’re not. I paid an advance to your mother’s nursing home. You don’t surf, I’ll sue you for the money back.”

  The wiry reporter waved his mic between Jared and Kerry, eager to catch their remarks.

  Kerry’s mouth dropped, and she simply stared at her ex-boyfriend. “I can’t believe you. You’d throw my mom from her nursing home because I quit?”

  “No.” He leaned close to her. “You’re failing her by not honoring your commitments. You want the entire world to know you’re a quitter?”

  Finn grabbed the mic from the reporter. “Listen up, everyone. My girlfriend was bitten by a shark. She has the scars to prove it, and she came here to Montauk to reevaluate her life, to find peace and courage to get back into the water. It wasn’t easy, but she did it. She taught me how to surf and took me out to the sweetest left-handed break on this island. S
he’s not a quitter, and she’d rather surf for charity than for this heartless promoter. What do you all say? Are you going to arrest her for illegal surfing or applaud her for her big heart and love for the ocean?”

  A gray-haired man waved his hand. “I’m the chief of police. In exchange for dropping the tickets, I’d like Kerry Mills to do a clinic on surfing safety. I’d also like to elect her to be this year’s Miss Jaws and ask her to kick off the shark fishing tournament tonight at our pre-Memorial Day bash.”

  “Woohoo!” the crowd cheered. “Kerry. Kerry. Kerry. Miss Jaws. Yay!”

  The rest of the reporters surged, knocking Jared aside. “Tell us about the shark last night.”

  “Were you scared?”

  “We’d like you to narrate the video.”

  “Video?” Kerry poked Finn in the ribs. “I thought you said you weren’t going to upload it.”

  “I didn’t. It’s still on my GoPro.”

  “Then where is it? Show me.” She glared at him. How dare he sell the video? Was he using her for more vacation drama to sell to reality TV? Finn, the shark hero. Wow!

  “We found the GoPro,” one of the reporters said. “Next to the outdoor shower.”

  “But, how did you know to look?” Kerry asked him. “Who called it in?”

  Jared elbowed the reporter aside. “I did. I had you two followed after seeing pictures of you surfing. You didn’t know they had a webcam at the beach, did you?”

  “You freaking spy.” Kerry jabbed her finger at him. “Why don’t you go back to the tour and keep your eye on Marina Martinez? After all, she’s still number one. Get off my friend’s property. You’re trespassing.”

  She gave him a shove and his flailing body cleared the other reporters and their mics from the doorway. Quickly, she slammed the door shut and latched it with her back against the door.

  “The shark was real?” She gaped at Finn. “You freaking scared a shark away?”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.” He hugged her and rubbed her back. “I’m sorry about leaving the GoPro outside.”

  “It’s okay. Now I want to see the video. Boot up your laptop, and I’ll get my tablet.”


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